wire transmission

英 [ˈwaɪə(r) trænzˈmɪʃn] 美 [ˈwaɪər trænzˈmɪʃn]

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  1. The resistance control of the wire transmission and the force control of tension is the key technology of the wire feed system, which has a critical impact on the bonding.
  2. Designing Application of Head-proof Aluminium Alloy Wire in Overhead Transmission Line Capacity Increasing Reform
  3. The paper analyzes the principles of the heat-resisting wire electric transmission technology, the heat-resisting mechanisms and the characteristics of the heat-resisting wire, and studies deeply the impact for the circuit after the temperature-rising.
  4. Present Situation and Prospect of the Big Sectional Wire and the Heat-Resistant Wire Electric Power Transmission Technology in China
  5. Reduction of Electric Energy Loss in Overhead Ground Wire for Transmission Line by Arrangement of Traverse phase-order
  6. Development Course and the Newest Advance of Wire Drill Pipe Transmission Technique for Information While Drilling
  7. The optic fiber communication, widely applied in practical engineering, has become the main technology in wire transmission network.
  8. Computation and Analysis of the Electric Field Intensity on Conductor Surface for the Bunch Wire of Transmission Lines
  9. In the construction, wire rope transmission lift stage, low noise windlass and twelve outlet interface stage control system were firstly used in our country. It raised the design and installation level of stage.
  10. The wireless communication can avoid the shortcoming of remote wire transmission, such as large wastage, high cost etc.
  11. It also introduces the wire transmission control ( X-by-wire) technology which can improve the operation, safety functions.
  12. This paper introduces the current project situation and the technological development level of the big sectional wire and the heat-resisting wire electric transmission technology in China.
  13. Transmission coefficient of four-wire transmission line transformer
  14. Monitoring data wire transmission technology for oxygen supply in hospital
  15. Study on the Performance of Insulated Ground Wire on EHV Transmission Lines
  16. This type of cell is of high interference rejection capability and suitable for long wire transmission.
  17. Data exchanged through public telephone networks and the singlechip systems in devices of terminals and center, a kind of monitoring data wire transmission technology for oxygen supply in hospital is introduced in this paper.
  18. Study and Application of Heat-resisting Electric Wire in Transmission Technology
  19. Inevitability, it is a large waste of manpower and material resources if the vibration data acquisition still depends on the traditional wire transmission.
  20. This article analyses the advantages of compact based on transmission technology, large cross-section wire transmission technology, heat conductors and transmission technology with more towers and their applications and operation.
  21. At the present stage, ASI system adopts only wire transmission methods. The thesis discusses the promising wireless transmission media, Bluetooth, for ASI system.
  22. The Wire Transmission Technology of Digital Video Broadcasting
  23. By making use of the HART protocol not only can retain the advantages of the traditional two wire system transmission, but also can realize multimaster communication, multipoint control and configuration control of remote field instruments.
  24. Discussion on Checking Thermal Stabilization of Over-head Grounding Wire of Transmission Line
  25. Mechanisms of fatigue failure of wire rope working with sheave are related to safety, reliability and economy of Wire rope transmission.
  26. Most of the traditional image monitoring systems are designed based on PC platform, using wire transmission method to transmit data, which, to some extent, increases size and power consumption of system, and also limits the application scope of the system.
  27. According to this situation, Technical and Economic would demand higher requirement by using wire transmission mode, so these impel the rapid development of wireless mode.
  28. The result of system debugging showed that the software wireless data transmission radio can successfully substitute the previous wire data transmission system, and improve the flexibility and the battle effectiveness of the missile system.
  29. But the vehicle is moving, it is impossible to use the traditional wire transmission method to transfer the image.
  30. Wire transmission of date from detection equipment is traditionally used in production field.